Kamis, 10 Juni 2010



Blog dan Social Networks


Diary online

Web-based publication

Last entry first

Frequently and easily updateable

Allows you to build social networks

Modern blogs harness the power of RSS

Apa Penyebabnya ?

Email and bulletin boards are largely one way communications limited to individuals or a small group of people.

Blogs are multidimensional in that they can be networked to several different people or groups of people

thanks to RSS people who are interested in a blog will always be kept up to date


Learning and teaching

Knowledge sharing

Relationship forming


Personal Knowledge Management

Community building (relationship forming)


Manfaat Blog

Punya banyak teman (bahkan "fans")

Punya media sendiri di ranah maya

Makin rajin membaca

Mengasah kemampuan berargumen

Mengasah kemampuan menulis


PUBLISHER: Pendapatan dari iklan / sponsor

Bisa melalui Google AdSense

PAID BLOGGER: Penulis berhonor

RESOURCE PERSON: Jadi narasumber, konsultan

E-RETAILER: Jadi pebisnis online (produk/jasa)

Blog in education

Tutor created content

Course information, administrative content, publication tool, research tool

Learner created/led content

Personal reflections, comments on course literature, discussions

Peer feedback for blog posts

Learner interaction outside of course time

A different way to learn…

Jenis-Jenis Blog

Blog Berbasis Teks

Blog Foto (Photoblog)

Blog Audio (Podcasting)

Blog Video (Vblog)

Topik Blog

Topik Pribadi / Personal

Seperti buku harian, berisi peristiwa sehari-hari yang dialami, bebas

Topik Umum

Seputar topik-topik yang ada di dalam masyarakat, bisa juga menulis yg sedang trend

Topik khusus / hobi / Professional

Berisi hal-hal keahlian khusus, misalnya blog dokter berisi penyakit2, blog dosen informatika, berisi topik2 komputer, dll

Topik Perusahaan / Coorporate

Fitur Blog

Blog statistik

Pengunjung Blog



Posting, edit, dan hapus tulisan


Link ke blog orang lain


Halaman pada blog kita

Kustomisasi tampilan blog kita

Termasuk Widgets dan Themes



Kebutuhan Membangun Blog


Browser, javascript, flash


Web server, server side scripting language

AJAX untuk interaktfivitas

Database server:

Table: blogs, users, comments, themes, dll


Lightweight XML format for sharing content

Ties together conversations – allows for review of many resources

Rich Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication

Pull, rather than push


Kumpulan RSS-RSS dari blog-blog

Desktop standalone: http://www.sharpreader.net/

Integrated: http://www.newsgator.com/

Web-based: http://www.bloglines.com/


RSS will be bigger than blogging.

Not everyone is a blogger

Everyone is a potential RSS subscriber

Personal blogging and work may not always be wise

Social Networking

Adalah sebuah peta dari semua pertalian antara struktur sosial organisasi yang diikat oleh satu atau lebih tipe relasi, seperti ide, teman, perdagangan atau link web. (www.signature.gb.com/glossary.htm)‏

Istilah ini saat ini dikaitkan dengan online social networking melalui web (disebut social site).

Website Social networking memberikan fungsi seperti komunitas online bagi pemakai Internet.

Social Networking

Social networking biasanya melakukan pengelompokan individu atau organisasi bersama-sama.

Perlu hati-hati:

Ada seseorang yang menyatakan bukan dirinya yang sebenarnya.

Types of Social Networking Sites

General sites geared toward teens

Schools and colleges

Cultures (e.g., African American,

Hispanic, European, Canadian)


Music and videos

Sports (e.g., football and golf)

Social Networking

Social Network Service

Social Graph

“the information a social network collects about a user”

Includes contact information, location, associations, personal information, work history, personal preferences, who you’re friends with, etc.

This is changing:

Facebook’s Beacon feature: other sites you’ve visited

Application usage

Could include photo contents

Social Web

Identitas: siapakah Anda?

Reputasi: apa pendapat orang tentang Anda?

Keberadaan: dimanakah Anda?

Hubungan: Anda terhubung dengan siapa? Siapa yang Anda percaya?

Kelompok: bagaimana Anda mengorganisasikan hubungan?

Percakapan: apa yang Anda diskusikan?

Berbagi: content apa yang Anda sediakan bagi yang lain untuk beriteraksi?

Social Network Usage


Various technologies that help in creating Social Networks are:

1) Email

2) Blogs

3) Social Networking Software like Orkut, LinkedIn etc.

Technology : LinkedIn

What is Your Network?

When your connections invite their connections, your Network starts to grow.

Your Network is your connections, their connections, and so on out from you at the center.

How do you classify users?

Your Network contains professionals out to “three degrees” — that is, friends-of-friends-of-friends. If each person had 10 connections (and some have many more) then your network would contain 10,000 professionals.

How do you see who is in your Network?

LinkedIn lets you see your network as one large group of searchable professional profiles.

Tips for Socializing Safely

Think about how different sites work before deciding to join a site.

Keep some control over the information you post.

Keep vital information to yourself.

Make sure your screen name doesn’t reveal too much about you.

Tips for Socializing Safely Online continued

Post only information that you are comfortable with others seeing and knowing about you.

Remember, once your information is posted, you can’t take it back. Someone can forward this information and millions of people have access.

Consider not posting your picture.

Don’t flirt with strangers online.

Source: Federal Trade Commission – www.ftc.gov

Another tips

Beware of where you are going or browsing.

Malware & viruses

Do not put any information like your credit card number or phone or email address online!

Always make sure if you’re signing into a website, the URL matches where you want to go.

“Phishing”: sites are fake websites designed

I don’t think that children should have access to social networks.

Beware: pedophiles

Always do: allow view from your friends list!

Be aware that any photo or video you post yourself online can be downloaded by any user, one way or another.

What can u do?

Be a user

Build applications

Advertise your product efficiently

Build a social network

You won’t be the new MySpace or StudiVZ, but…

You can create your own highly-focused virtual social network or…

Enhance your existing offering by making it social

Mobile Social Network

Mobile Social Network is social network where one or more individuals of similar interests or commonalities, conversing and connecting with one another using the mobile phone.

Every online social network application is going to have a mobile component

Internet social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook is to turn mobile

Facebook has launched a platform for operators designed to make its social networking application work better on portable devices.


advantage over the computer-based communities


In most mobile communities (mobile social network), mobile phone users can now create their own profiles, make friends, participate in chat rooms, create chat rooms, hold private conversations, share photos and videos, share blogs by using their mobile phone.

Most of the mobile social networks seek to capitalize on location information.

An extension of the online site

Adv & DisAdv


More Coverage


Save time:upload a photo to Flickr in this two- or three-minute gap while waiting for a bus

Other capabilities: GPS


text input speed (Qwerty? 2 vs 10)

Screen size (Qvga, be very aware of image rendering speeds)

Bandwidth & cost (be aware of download)

No standards


Web based


PC based

IMs: AOL, ICQ, YAHOO, MSN (Windows Live)


Phone based



Everything goes mobile (Yahoo, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, MySpace)

Flash (Adobe)

Flash Lite (Adobe)

SilverlightMobile (Microsoft)

Enable an enhanced multimedia experience

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